Why Xzibit Wants To See Weed Commercials During The Super Bowl: An Interview


Hip-hop and cannabis have always been the greatest of partners, even though, as far as industries go, they are vastly different. But, could there be something they have in common, something they can learn from each other?

For the iconic rapper, broadcaster and actor Xzibit, there definitely is.

In an exclusive interview, he talked about bringing his expertise, honed in the music industry, to the development of his cannabis brand, Napalm, and about the benefits cannabis can bring to society.

“I think that’s the advantage that we have coming from the entertainment side: to be able to find those messages that attract people to the brand at a mass level. And I think we’ve been able to bring that into Napalm,” he explained

Today, X finds it refreshing to be around people who understand the cannabis market and how to make a premium product. The rapper makes it very clear: his brand has to be the best of the best, and to set innovative standards for others to follow. Because, unlike other celebrities that limit themselves to being the face of a brand, he is the heart of the creative and decision-making process, he assured.

For him, it’s all about quality, about “being the very best.” Napalm products are rigorously tested up to the standard of California state code and that safety is a priority for the company, he assured.

Still, X acknowledged the health concerns around vaporizers, which he stated were caused by the illicit market and untested devices, and shared a very interesting perspective: “I gotta ask you a question. You wouldn’t buy cold medicine from somebody in an alley, out of a trunk, at 12 o’clock at night. Why would you think that it’s okay to buy a smokeable cannabis product from somebody in an alley out of a backpack? (…) You have to be cautious, you have to buy our products from licensed facilities from licensed distribution. There is no other way to get Napalm. If you are able to get it out of somebody’s trunk, then you’re not buying real authentic Napalm.”

The Public Eye

The music business is not the only place where Xzibit got his expertise: he was also the host of MTV’s hit show Pimp My Ride for several years.

When asked if there was anything he took from his time on TV to develop his brand and make it visible, he pondered on the limitations of advertising a cannabis brand on TV, given the lack of federal legality.

But he has his hopes set on the future. The situation will be reversed soon enough, he said.

“That’s going to be incredible. You know, there’s a lot of firsts that have not happened in the cannabis industry and we want to definitely be there, to be the first television commercial for Canada Discovery. (…) I can’t wait until we have the opportunity to do a Super Bowl commercial. I don’t care how much it costs!”

Down this line, Xzibit pointed out the unfairness of alcoholic beverages and tobacco companies being allowed to advertise their products on TV, despite both having been proven to be far more harmful than cannabis.

But the rapper does recognize that we, as a society, have come a long way in accepting cannabis and its health benefits.

“When I was a teenager, when it was illegal, when it was taboo, people were still being arrested for it. To see where it is now, where it is considered a medicine that helps so many people with so many conditions… Cannabis came in and was able to help heal children, not just people who smoke. People have this idea of cannabis being like this hippie thing, or only for rappers. It has this negative connotation, but it helps millions of people. It’s not just the hemp side of it, but the CBD side, where people aren’t using this for the psychedelic effect of THC.”

Besides the obvious health benefits, he highlighted the socioeconomic benefits of cannabis legalization as well, from the billions of dollars being made in tax revenue that go right back into the State to the importance that decriminalization has had in community efforts all across the country.

A Higher Cause

Quality and safety may be Xzibit’s top priorities concerning the company, but they certainly are not the only ones. The rapper wants social justice to be one of Napalm’s pillars as well. In fact, he has partnered with the social equity applicant Greenwood Distribution to supply his products throughout California. But this is far from the only effort he plans to make in that direction.

One of his main intentions is to partner up with veterans.

“I’d like to dedicate part of our income to giving back to our veterans,” he declared. “Giving people access to medicine, who don’t necessarily have the income. I’d like to be able to help on that level, and not only do donations through activism. That is something that is very important to me. My father was a veteran. He was a Marine, and he recently passed away… I’d love to be able to build something, in his honor, and use part of Napalm as a way to give back to our veterans.”

When asked what he would say if he could sit in front of Congress and share a heartfelt message in favor of legalization, his answer struck was as brutally honest and comprehensive:

“Unfortunately, the people that I’m speaking with aren’t really interested in people’s hearts. But the economic side of federally legalizing cannabis will be so positive! You’re talking about lowering the national debt. You’re talking about educational increases, tax revenue. You’re talking about improving your security, your infrastructure in each city. You’re talking about pumping vital resources back into the communities of people who need them, who’ve lost jobs to the downsizing of work staff. The trucking industry and shipping from coast to coast will have a new revenue outlet. I mean, there’s so many positives and upsides to people that need to be put back to work.”

But he makes it clear that the economy will not be the only one to benefit from the eventual legalization of cannabis. “On top of the shoe, the humanity of it, the leasing of relief to people in our legal system that are there for nonviolent drug or drug-related convictions. So those people will be led out of prison and can actually be part of society. They need to be back with their families and their communities to take care of their kids.”

In the end, he did provide that heartfelt message we were all hoping for. “If it’s decriminalized, I believe that from the bottom of my soul that there is a medium ground that everybody can meet at,” he concluded. “It can be done in a financial way or in a human way, it can be done either way. You know, if alcohol can be legal, if cigarettes can be legal then cannabis can be legal as well.”

Marian Venini contributed to this report.

Lee esta entrevista con Xzibit en español en ElPlanteo.com

This article was originally published on Forbes and appears here with permission.

Original publication: May 13, 2020


Image and article originally from www.benzinga.com. Read the original article here.