The ATF is About to Publish the New Pistol Brace Rule – Investment Watch


by Chris Black

For those who don’t know, a “brace” is a stabilizing device that can be attached to a firearm in order to provide shooting support.

The only reason they exist at all is because the federal government insists on continuing to make a completely arbitrary distinction between “rifles” (weapons with a barrel ≥16″) and “short-barreled rifles” (the exact same weapons but <16″) and “pistols” (the exact same weapons but with a barrel <16″ and no stock) 

The new rule gives owners, manufacturers and distributors 120 days to report their stabilizing braces to the ATF tax-free. 

They may also remove the stabilizing brace or turn in any pistol modified by a stabilizing brace to the ATF.

Gun rights are one of the only voter concerns that elected Republicans still respond to. 

Now is the time to badger your Attorney General about when and how they’ll sue the feds for this, and ask what your Senators and House Rep are doing, and to ask your local Sheriff not to comply.



Image and article originally from Read the original article here.