Rough Week for the Anglos – Investment Watch


by Chris Black

Their new prime minister is some WEF femoid who swore to implement Agenda 21, there are no White men in top government positions for the first time in UK history, and now Queen Elizabeth has died.

Her death will be celebrated worldwide by anti-White swarthoids and libtards as a symbolic nail in the coffin of traditional White civilization, which may be a wakeup call for many White Brits.

Either way, this is another step along the Great Reset path, which, ironically, was promoted by the British royal family:

“We have a golden opportunity to seize something good from this crisis. It’s unprecedented shockwaves may make people more receptive to big visions of change, of global crises like pandemics and climate change […] and highlight just how interdependent we are as one people sharing one planet. 

The British royals are fully on board with the globalist agenda and their legacy will be one of accelerating the total destruction of the UK and the ethnic genocide of its native inhabitants through mass migration, rape, murder, terrorism, etc.

Paradoxically, Leftists — who agree with all of the royals’ politics — despise them as vestiges of the Old World Order and European tradition, while Right-Wingers — who the royals have monumentally betrayed — adore them simply because they occupy (and defile) the most longstanding position of traditional political leadership in Britain.

Honestly, I don’t think anyone should try to preserve the honor of these traitors but, for Anglos, it’s definitely worth defending the institution of monarchy in principle as a part of British tradition, and explaining that Leftists and brown people only hate the royals for what they represent, not what they do. 

Bad kings should be remembered as such.

You can literally genocide your own people as penance and browns still won’t forgive you for being a “racist colonizer”


Image and article originally from Read the original article here.